
Why hello there!

It’s been a while hasn’t it?   I’ve been holding off on writing this one. Apologies.  You might be wondering how is Fae Tactics coming along.  What happens at these small Indie Dev studios?  Well sometimes shit happens.  And when shit happens, it pretty much messes up everything.  I mean, we are a really small Indie Dev studio.  I’m often surprised when we get serious job applications that want to relocate to our location … Endlessfluff Games is just two people very dedicated, very passionate people.  Our more dedicated followers know that, but most people do not.

In fact, this is our work space, if you are interested in seeing. Kyron’s desk is the one on the right and mine is the one on the left.  The living room is further to the left, off camera.


It has been a really rough 2017. Before I get into some details, I can happily tell you that we are recovering from it. The last post was at the end of January… Oddly enough that was my birthday.  I didn’t celebrate my birthday. I found out my mom was ill and on my birthday I flew to Chile, South America to be with her. I was very optimistic. I figured I would get her better and head back home. That’s not what happened. My mom was a very healthy person so it shocked everyone that she was given 2 months to live.  So, I had decided to spend the rest of this time with her and try to make the best of it.


As you could imagine, this was the most difficult time of my life and I had to put all game creation on hold. Kyron tried to work on some stuff but my absence made it hard for him to move far forward.  On my end, it was nonstop trying to save my mom even it it meant  just making her happy. I was in Chile for a week, then when the care was not sufficient, I took her back to NYC for better health care and to spend time with my siblings.  I lived in the hospital for 20 days with her.  Then when there was nothing left to be done, I took her back home to Viña del Mar, Chile.  We lost her to Non-small cell lung cancer on April 21st. I’m not trying to depress anyone but If you’ve been through something like that before, I want to give you the biggest virtual hug I possibly can. If not,  I hope you never do.  I loved her very much.  Claudia from Legend of Fae is sort of based off of my mom. My mom always had a limp because when she was young she had polio, just like Claudia, but it was never something that held her back. It seemed to make her want to do more.


My mom, in the tiny house she had build in the Chilean land she nurtured into fertility.

What about Fae Tactics?


Kyron continued working on it for a while but since I could not contribute for some time, his work was held up . Sam was able to make some beautiful tracks up until the inevitable halt.

“Halt”. What a nasty word but let me explain. Along with the emotional toll of losing a parent. There’s also a financial hit. There was a lot of time lost.  Originally we wanted Fae Tactics to come out late this year.  Unfortunately, that’s unlikely. However we still need the income a new game release would provide. So, there has been a slight change of plans.  Kyron has been working on a shorter game at the moment instead of Fae Tactics. It was either dramatically cut Fae Tactics short or work on something new that can be released sooner. These decisions are hard to make but I was really against cutting Fae Tactics short.  We have so many ideas for it.  So right now, I have to catch up while Kyron is working on something new. I know it’s a bit disappointing to hear. I’m sorry. I am often tempted to just have us go full steam ahead on Fae Tactics… because I am feeling much better but there’s something else to tell you… and you probably already know if you looked a few lines down.

Man this is one loaded ass blog post!

I’m having our little bundle of code!



She looks really cozy with her leg up and yawning…


We have a little girl on the way! She’s is also my happiness!! ❤

I know, in terms of game development… it’s not the greatest news. I hope you’ll be patient with us and continue to support us in the future.

I will try to update the blog with whatever happens. This is all new territory for us.  I have never had a new born before to know what it’s going to be like.  We want to enjoy her as much as we can but what I do know is that we NEED to release Fae Tactics for the sake of our own little growing family! It would be a lot of wasted work if we don’t.  We just have to play it by ear.

Well, that’s it for now. At some point, perhaps Kyron will share what he’s working on too.

See you around.





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35 Responses to Life.

  1. Oh man, that is not the update I expected right in the morning… Sorry for your mom, C.

  2. blacklemon says:

    i cant say much, im happy you guys are goin strong with gamedev, and the only thing i can relate from your post is that pillow on the chair. 🙂 i feel i wuld aways follow your studio.

  3. My deepest sympathies. There’s no good way to deal with pain, it’s just going to be what it is, but I’m sure the excitement of the new family member is something to look forward to. Congratulations on that!

    • Caro! says:

      Man, I could go into more detail about dealing with the sadness but it would make for such a long blog post. It hit the hardest when we got the bad news. When we lost my mom, I tried my hardest to pull through as best I could for the little one I carry. February me would be very surprised if I told myself that later in the year I’d actually be very happy, a little overwhelmed but happy to be making a little person.

  4. @JayDzed says:

    Well, that’s quite an unexpected roller-coaster of a post (and life).

    My condolences on your mother’s illness and passing. I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been for you, the rest of your family, and all that knew her.

    Congratulations on the pending arrival of the New Player!

    I really hope the rest of this year (and ensuing years) keeps on it’s upward trend for all three of you.

    • Caro! says:

      So much happened and I didn’t make any updates about anything… so instead of making multiple posts, decided to just cram it all into one giant one.
      Thanks for your kind words. I too hope that things continue to get better 🙂

  5. long3r says:

    Please don’t forget about GOG release.

    Maybe try kickstarter again?

    • brownbear says:

      Or maybe a patreon as well?

    • Caro! says:

      I hear GOG made some changes to the partner side of their site. It was a bit hard to work with before so I hope they implemented some nice changes.
      Kickstarter at this stage in our life as a developer and couple would be a bit tricky. For Valdis Story’s kickstarter I calculated time and money pretty close. Money wise, there was no problem with delivering the game, we ended up getting over funded and put more content in the game. As for time, while some events ( hurricane and I got hospitalized) did come up… we were pretty close to our game delivery date. This time its different. We have a kiddo on the way that will change the way we live. We’d have to give a timeline but we can’t account for being first time parents while developing O_0. We’re going to have to play this one by ear.

  6. Pelor says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope the development of your shorter project goes well.

    • Caro! says:

      Thanks so much! So far it’s looking very interesting 😀 I dont know if Kyron will post anything about it, anytime soon though. I’ve also made some progress on my back log of Fae Tactics tasks.

  7. Chimaobi says:

    Hey, man. Big hug for the loss of your mother, and another big one for the arrival of your baby girl! The same year I lost my mother, also to lung cancer (metastasized from the breast they removed a few years prior), I found out I was going to be a father. I was 22, and I can tell you it was a hell of year going thru such loss and getting such an amazing boon. My boy is 7 now, my little girl just turned 1.

    Losing a mother to an illness like cancers never stops hurting or being awful in its own special way (the last few hospital days, those days were a special kind of hell to me), but it does get easier somehow. Time adds perspective and clarity, and every year that goes by we get wiser and more aware of our own mortality and accept that death is a byproduct of time passing by not some bad karma or curse.

    I wish you and your family all the best, and hope that your little bundle of code comes into the world perfectly healthy.

    • Caro! says:

      Hey- I read your comment a while back and I was very moved. I’m so sorry I didn’t respond sooner. We’ve had a lot of changes going on but I hope you are ok with me replying now.
      We have such similar stories. The “loss” then “boon”. This is also what I’m going through. In the same year, I’ve felt the worst darkness in the world but also the most beautiful moments I’ve ever experienced. Being pregnant for the first time and seeing my baby in ultrasounds… It’s truely been the happiest events of my life. I can’t believe how it could turn around like this. It must be our mothers giving us a beautiful gift of life.

      “Time adds perspective and clarity, and every year that goes by we get wiser and more aware of our own mortality and accept that death is a byproduct of time passing by not some bad karma or curse.”
      This line. I know I’m supposed to be in the accept death but at this point in my thoughts about it, it still feels like the curse part when I think back. I just have to wait. I’ve learned to not mull over the worst of memories and instead focus my love on my bump, where I imagine that in some way my mother could feel it as well.
      Thank you so much for sharing and a big hug to your beautiful family Chimaobi.

  8. Connor Mccarthy says:

    I’m happy to hear that your team will continue working on games. With the creation of Fae tactics ahead does that mean Valdis is over or perhaps just on hiatus?

    • Caro! says:

      Well, we wrapped up Valdis Story a while back. We really need to focus on a new project to keep us afloat now. There has been some progress – wish us luck! Thank you

  9. C.J. says:

    Sincerely feel sorry for your loss.
    And I will definitely join the kick-starter if there is one.

    • Caro! says:

      Thanks C.J. I dont think there will be a kickstarter for this one. Costs of living are a bit more complicated now. But you never know and if there is one – it will for sure be posted here first.

  10. mmo24 says:

    cute, i whish that everything will be ok

  11. Joseph says:

    Hi I am a new fan of your work, I really feel sorry about your loss, it happened to me the last year, and I really know how you must feel(my mom also died from cancer), that aside congrats for your incoming blessing, and I hope she would meery your life the most with lots of smiles!
    Have a nice year(or what its left of it).
    Saludos desde Argentina 😛

    • Caro! says:

      Hola! I’m so sorry you had to go through the same thing with you mom. We are doing much better and waiting for baby right now. Thanks for all your kind words and abrazos desde nuerva yor- !

  12. Caster says:

    Hello, i am new to your work, i just stumbled upon it when i searched for final fantasy tactics a2.

    what is your game going to be when it is released? single player with story mode like ff tactics? or some sort of multiplayer thing?

    sorry for your loss and keep it up, this game might actually be something good in a while!

    • Caro! says:

      Hi Caster! Welcome to the Endlessfluff blog!
      So due to all the stuff that went down this year , we are on a slow development year. Originally Fae Tactics probably could have been out late 2017 but we barely got to move forward on it. Fae Tactics is a single player game with focus on story and characters arcs- that’s our favorite thing to do. No multiplayer. So think more like – memorable moments with diverse set of character personalities and stuff but most importantly fun tactics gameplay! Kyron’s a huge fan of ff tactics and this is his love letter to it game design wise ( though very different in theme)

  13. Alex says:

    Man oh man. I know how this feels, I really do. Except the pregnancy bit. I have no idea how that feels. I’m so sorry for your loss. Do what you must, and make the best decisions you can. Fae Tactics, I’m pleased, will still maintain the original vision, even if it is delayed. I can wait, and your biggest fans can, too. Take care.

    • Caro! says:

      Thank you Alex! You’ll be happy to know that as we wait for baby to come ( any day now) we’ve been sucked back into Fae Tactics development! It will still be slow development because we have to train our new born on how to program and stuff lol… but we just love working on this game… Thank you for being so patient. Also, I’m sorry that it seems like you went through something similar to what we went through- for that – *HUGS*! I’m doing much better now and I hope you are doing good too!

  14. I’m so sorry for your loss 😦 Your little girl is a blessing, and you’ll see your mother every day in her ❤

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